Table 3

Seasonality and abundance of birds identified archaeologically at Rice Ridge (49-KOD-363), following MacIntosh (2009).

Scientific NameCommon NameAbundant, Common, Uncommon, RareNesting
Cygnus columbianusTundra swanUUURX
Anser albifronsWhite-fronted gooseU*R
Clangula hyemalisLong-tailed duckARAA
Somateria spectabilisKing eiderCRUC
Somateria mollissimaCommon eiderUUUUX
Polysticta stelleriSteller’s eiderC*UC
Melanitta fuscaWhite-winged ScoterACAA
Histrionicus histrionicusHarlequin duckCCCCX
Aythya collarisRing-necked duckR*RR
Lagopus cf. lagopusWillow ptarmiganCCCCX
Podiceps cf. auritusHorned grebeCRCC
Gavia immerCommon loonCCCCX
Fulmarus glacialisNorthern fulmarAAAC
Phalacrocorax sp.Cormorant1CCCCX
Uria sp.Murre2CCAAX
Cerorhinca monocerataRhinoceros aukletRURRX
Fratercula cirrhata3Tufted puffinAAARX
Fratercula corniculataHorned puffinCCCRX
Ptychoramphus aleuticusCassin’s aukletRUU*
Aethia psittaculaParakeet aukletRRR*X
Aethia cristatellaCrested auklet**CC
Brachyramphus brevirostrisKittlitz’s murreletRURRX
Cepphus columbaPigeon guillemotCCCCX
Larus sp.Gull4AAAAX
Rissa sp.Kittiwake5AAAUX
Haliaeetus leucocephalusBald eagleCCCCX
Aquila chrysaetosGolden eagleUUUUX6
Falco rusticolusGyrfalconRRRRX
Corvus coraxRavenCCCCX
  • Notes to Table:

  • Spring—March–May

  • Summer—June–August

  • Fall—September–November

  • Winter—December–February

  • A—Abundant: Species is very numerous in all proper habitat; the region regularly hosts great numbers of the species; sighting likelihood excellent.

  • C—Common: Species occurs regularly in most proper habitat; sighting likelihood good.

  • U—Uncommon: Species usually present in relatively small numbers, or higher numbers unevenly distributed; sighting likelihood fair.

  • R—Rare: Species occurs regularly in the region but in very small numbers; sighting likelihood fair to poor.

  • * —Species has been recorded no more than a few times in a season, usually occurs singly; sighting likelihood very poor.

  • 1 Cormorant—abundance figures for pelagic cormorant (P. pelagicus), the most abundant cormorant on Kodiak.

  • 2 Murre—abundance figures for common murre (U. aalge), estimated to be 30x more abundant than thick-billed murre on Kodiak (Forsell and Gould 1981:19).

  • 3 Archaeological puffins were identified only to genus, but seasonality information is provided for both species present on Kodiak.

  • 4 Gull—abundance figures for glaucous-winged gull (L. glaucescens), the most abundant gull on Kodiak.

  • 5 Kittiwake—abundance figures for black-legged kittiwake (R. tridactyla), the most abundant kittiwake on Kodiak.

  • 6 A golden eagle nest on Kodiak was documented by Berns (1979), although this appears to have been a rare occurrence.