PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Pasda, Clemens TI - Regional Variation in Thule and Colonial Caribou Hunting in West Greenland AID - 10.3368/aa.51.1.41 DP - 2014 Sep 19 TA - Arctic Anthropology PG - 41--76 VI - 51 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Arctic Anthropol2014 Sep 19; 51 AB - This study presents data from archaeological structures connected with caribou hunting in the northeastern Nuuk region with a focus on construction, structure, and topographical setting as well as on intrasite spatial patterning. The results of this investigation are compared with research in other regions of West Greenland. A high variability in hunting methods, group size, and mobility can be shown within a given region and among different regions. Working with things is full of wonder and confusion, creativity, and, yes, boring repetition.(Olsen et al. 2012:11).