Arctic Anthropology Guidelines for Contributors
It is the journal's policy that each submitted manuscript be reviewed by three persons qualified to judge its merits. Criteria of particular importance are originality, scholarly significance, clarity, and theoretical and methodological soundness. A manuscript should stand alone in terms of problem delineation, review of prior relevant research, description or presentation of data (including adequate illustrations), interpretation, and literature citation.
The journal's Style Guide was most recently published in Volume 50-1, online at or, download the PDF here. Contributors are strongly urged to consult the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style before submitting a final manuscript.
All manuscripts must be word processed and submitted electronically to the editor’s email address for consideration.
Send inquiries and manuscripts to:
Pete Collings, PhD
Editor, Arctic Anthropology
[email protected]
Double-space all sections of the manuscript: the abstract, main text (including quotations), tables, end notes, acknowledgments, references cited, list of tables with their captions, and list of figures with their captions. Margins should be at least one inch on all sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively. References to literature should be indicated throughout the text with page numbers included (American Anthropologist style). All references cited in the text (and only those references) will be included in the bibliography. In the bibliography, use complete names of authors rather than initials whenever possible.
Arctic Anthropology is edited and produced electronically. Papers are edited using Microsoft Word and will be disseminated back to authors in Word format (either *.doc or *.docx). Manuscripts can be submitted in other formats created using other word processing software (e.g., Google Docs, WordPerfect, AbiWord, etc.) but will be translated into Word format in the editorial process. Do not submit manuscript in Adobe PDF format.
If the manuscript includes tables or figures, submit them as pages and files distinct from the text. Be sure to include a list of captions for tables and figures, appended to the end of the paper. It is strongly suggested that authors use the table functions in Microsoft Word to create their tables rather than using tabs or Microsoft Excel.
Authors must submit illustrations in electronic format as individual files. The preferable formats for raster image (e.g., photographs) submission are TIFF (*.tif), JPEG (*.jpg), PNG (*.png), or Adobe Photoshop (*.psd). For vector images (e.g., maps, graphs), the preferred formats are Adobe Illustrator (*.ai) and Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg). Do not submit illustrations in Adobe PDF format (*.pdf), Microsoft PowerPoint (*.ppt), or embedded in Microsoft Word documents.
Figures: Please read our Artwork Preparation Guidelines.
Statement on Gold Open Access
Arctic Anthropology offers the option of gold open access (OA) to articles published in the journal. This means that after an article has gone through peer review and is accepted, the published version would be eligible to be made freely available via open access, for a fee. The authors, or their institutions, or funding bodies, must pay an article processing fee to help defray the costs of publication. The electronic version of the article will then appear on the journal website, free for readers to access without a paywall, in perpetuity and without an embargo. Gold OA articles are published under the CC-BY-ND-NC license, which allows sharing and access, but does not allow republication, commercial use, or distribution. A less restrictive CC license may be negotiated with the publisher separately for a higher fee. Articles can also be made open access at any point after they have been published in the journal, even if some time has passed since initial publication. Please direct questions about open access to the editorial contact.
OA fee information and payment options
UW Press Journals permissions page
Other Publication Fees
We accept publishing fees for gold open access (OA), color section fees, and page fees. Page fees are requested when a research grant or other institutional funds are available to underwrite publication costs. Ability to pay is not a condition for acceptance of a manuscript. To pay online, please go to: or email [email protected] for assistance.