Edited by Pete Collings, PhD Associate Professor and Department Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Florida
print ISSN: 0066-6939, e-ISSN: 1933-8139
Published twice per year: Summer, Winter
Arctic Anthropology, was founded by University of Wisconsin Anthropology professor Chester S. Chard. It is an international journal devoted to the study of northern cultures and peoples of the circumpolar north. Topics include cultural anthropology. archaeology, biological anthropology, linguistics, Indigenous studies, and new directions in interdisciplinary northern research in the social sciences and humanities.
Special Issues:
2019: The Archaeology of Northern Coasts, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 56 #1
2016: Dr. Douglas W. Veltre, Festschrift, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 53 #2
2012: Dr. Ernest S. "Tiger" Burch, Jr., In Memorium, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 49 #2
2011: Anthropology in the Aleutians, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 48 #2
2010: Dr. Don E. Dumond, Festschrift, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 47 #2
2009: The Tops of the World, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 46 #1-2
2008: Current Perspectives on the Northern Archaic Tradition, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 45 #2
2006: Dr. Frederica de Laguna, In Memorium, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 43 #2
2004: Dr. Allen P. McCartney, In Memorium, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 41 #2
2003: Oral History–The Narrative that Heals, Arctic Anthropology, vol. 40 #2