Research ArticleArticles
Dwelling in Ice: A Relational Approach to the Finnish Seal-Hunting Tradition on the Bothnian Bay
Heidi Konttinen
Arctic Anthropology, July 2024, 59 (2) 193-211; DOI:
Heidi Konttinen
University of Lapland. PO Box 122, Yliopistonkatu 8, FI-96101 Rovaniemi, Finland;

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In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 59, Issue 2
1 Jul 2024
Dwelling in Ice: A Relational Approach to the Finnish Seal-Hunting Tradition on the Bothnian Bay
Heidi Konttinen
Arctic Anthropology Jul 2024, 59 (2) 193-211; DOI: 10.3368/aa.59.2.193
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