Index by author

  1. Brandau, Colton

    1. “It Was Not a Whale, but a Strange Monster”Qikertarmiut Storytelling and Seasonal Relations through Early Russian Invasions
      Colton Brandau
  2. Carlson, Daniel F.

    1. The Bear TrapReinvestigation of a Unique Stone Structure on the Northwest Tip of the Nuussuaq Peninsula, Greenland
      Matthew J. Walsh, Daniel F. Carlson, Pelle Tejsner and Steffen Thomsen
  3. Darwent, Christyann M.

    1. Editor’s Note
      Christyann M. Darwent
    2. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Late Holocene Multicomponent Village Site near Shaktoolik, Norton Sound, Alaska
      Jason I. Miszaniec, Christyann M. Darwent, John Darwent and Kelly A. Eldridge
  4. Darwent, John

    1. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Late Holocene Multicomponent Village Site near Shaktoolik, Norton Sound, Alaska
      Jason I. Miszaniec, Christyann M. Darwent, John Darwent and Kelly A. Eldridge
  5. Eda, Masaki

    1. Open Access
      Late Holocene Animal Use in Southern Kamchatka
      Katsunori Takase, Masaki Eda, Michael A. Etnier and Alexander I. Lebedintsev
  6. Eldridge, Kelly A.

    1. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Late Holocene Multicomponent Village Site near Shaktoolik, Norton Sound, Alaska
      Jason I. Miszaniec, Christyann M. Darwent, John Darwent and Kelly A. Eldridge
  7. Etnier, Michael A.

    1. Open Access
      Late Holocene Animal Use in Southern Kamchatka
      Katsunori Takase, Masaki Eda, Michael A. Etnier and Alexander I. Lebedintsev
  8. Lebedintsev, Alexander I.

    1. Open Access
      Late Holocene Animal Use in Southern Kamchatka
      Katsunori Takase, Masaki Eda, Michael A. Etnier and Alexander I. Lebedintsev
  9. Miszaniec, Jason I.

    1. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Late Holocene Multicomponent Village Site near Shaktoolik, Norton Sound, Alaska
      Jason I. Miszaniec, Christyann M. Darwent, John Darwent and Kelly A. Eldridge
  10. Takase, Katsunori

    1. Open Access
      Late Holocene Animal Use in Southern Kamchatka
      Katsunori Takase, Masaki Eda, Michael A. Etnier and Alexander I. Lebedintsev
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