Reconstruction of Dietary Habits of a Local Upper Taz Selkup Group in the 18th and 19th Centuries Based on Archaeoparasitology, Osteology, Stable Isotope Analysis, and Archival Documents

Olga E. Poshekhonova, Dmitry I. Razhev, Sergey M. Slepchenko, Zhanna V. Marchenko and Vladimir N. Adaev

Article Information

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  • Published online January 4, 2021.

Author Information

  1. Olga E. Poshekhonova,
  2. Dmitry I. Razhev,
  3. Sergey M. Slepchenko,
  4. Zhanna V. Marchenko and
  5. Vladimir N. Adaev
  1. Institute of Problems of Development of the North—Subdivision of Federal Research Center Tyumen Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Tyumen. Malygina st., 86, 625003, Russia;
  2. Institute of Problems of Development of the North—Subdivision of Federal Research Center Tyumen Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Tyumen. Malygina st., 86, 625003, Russia;
  3. Institute of Problems of Development of the North—Subdivision of Federal Research Center Tyumen Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Tyumen. Malygina st., 86, 625003, Russia;
  4. Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, ave. Lavrentieva 17, 630090, Russia; Novosibirsk State University, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk Pirogova st., 2, 630090, Russia;
  5. Institute of Problems of Development of the North—Subdivision of Federal Research Center Tyumen Scientific Center of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation, Tyumen, Malygina st., 86, 625003, Russia;
  1. poshehonova.olg{at}
  2. rajevd0{at}
  3. s_slepchenko{at}
  4. afrika_77{at}
  5. whitebird4{at}
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