Research ArticleArticles
Russian Resistance to Human Sacrifice among the Tlingit Indians (1819–1867)
Andrei V. Grinëv and Richard L. Bland
Arctic Anthropology, January 2020, 57 (1) 22-34; DOI:
Andrei V. Grinëv
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, ul. Polytechnicheskaia, 29, St. Petersburg 197183, Russia;
Richard L. Bland
Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403;

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In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 57, Issue 1
1 Jan 2020
Russian Resistance to Human Sacrifice among the Tlingit Indians (1819–1867)
Andrei V. Grinëv, Richard L. Bland
Arctic Anthropology Jan 2020, 57 (1) 22-34; DOI: 10.3368/aa.57.1.22
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- Article
- Abstract
- The Tlingit, Their Slaves, and the Practice of Ritual Sacrifice
- The Beginning of Russian Colonization in Southeast Alaska
- The First Freed Tlingit Slaves and the Attitude of the New Colonial Administration toward Sacrifice
- The Situation with Tlingit Sacrifices in the 1830s–1840s
- The Saving of Tlingit Slaves by the Russians in the 1850s–1867
- Conclusion
- Documentary Appendix
- Footnotes
- Archival Materials
- References Cited
- Info & Metrics
- References
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