Index by author

  1. Cannon, Chris M.

    1. Northern Dene Constellations as Worldview Projections with Case Studies from the Ahtna, Gwich’in, and Sahtúot’ı̨nę
      Chris M. Cannon, Wilson Justin, Paul Herbert, Charles Hubbard and Charlie Neyelle
  2. Forbes, Véronique

    1. Paleoenvironmental Analyses from Nunalleq, Alaska Illustrate a Novel Means to Date Pre-Inuit and Inuit Archaeology
      Paul M. Ledger and Véronique Forbes
  3. Herbert, Paul

    1. Northern Dene Constellations as Worldview Projections with Case Studies from the Ahtna, Gwich’in, and Sahtúot’ı̨nę
      Chris M. Cannon, Wilson Justin, Paul Herbert, Charles Hubbard and Charlie Neyelle
  4. Hubbard, Charles

    1. Northern Dene Constellations as Worldview Projections with Case Studies from the Ahtna, Gwich’in, and Sahtúot’ı̨nę
      Chris M. Cannon, Wilson Justin, Paul Herbert, Charles Hubbard and Charlie Neyelle
  5. Justin, Wilson

    1. Northern Dene Constellations as Worldview Projections with Case Studies from the Ahtna, Gwich’in, and Sahtúot’ı̨nę
      Chris M. Cannon, Wilson Justin, Paul Herbert, Charles Hubbard and Charlie Neyelle
  6. Knudsen, Pauline

    1. The Legend of Qajuuttaq: Exploring the Potential of Inuit Oral History in South Greenland
      Mikkel Sørensen and Pauline Knudsen
  7. Laugrand, Frédéric

    1. “They Taste like Tuurngait”: Wolves and How Nunavut Elders See Them
      Frédéric Laugrand
  8. Ledger, Paul M.

    1. Paleoenvironmental Analyses from Nunalleq, Alaska Illustrate a Novel Means to Date Pre-Inuit and Inuit Archaeology
      Paul M. Ledger and Véronique Forbes
  9. Lincoln, Amber

    1. The Art of Hunting: Coordinating Subsistence Laws with Alaska Native Harvesting Practices
      Amber Lincoln
  10. Neyelle, Charlie

    1. Northern Dene Constellations as Worldview Projections with Case Studies from the Ahtna, Gwich’in, and Sahtúot’ı̨nę
      Chris M. Cannon, Wilson Justin, Paul Herbert, Charles Hubbard and Charlie Neyelle
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