The Ethnography of Memory in East Siberia: Do Life Histories from the Arctic Coast Matter?

Florian Stammler, Aytalina Ivanova and Lena Sidorova

Article Information

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  • Published online April 20, 2018.

Author Information

  1. Florian Stammler,
  2. Aytalina Ivanova and
  3. Lena Sidorova
  1. Florian Stammler, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, PL 122, Pohjoisranta 6, 96101 Rovaniemi, Lapland, Finland; fstammle{at}
  2. Aytalina Ivanova, Centre for Peace Studies, University of Tromso, Huginbakken 9/Lower Pavilion, 9037 Tromso, Norway; and Faculty of Law, Northeastern Federal University, ul. Kulakovskogo 42, 677000 Yakutsk, Yakutia, Russia; ivanovaaytalina{at}
  3. Lena Sidorova, Department of Culturology, Northeastern Federal University, ul. Kulakovskogo 42, 677000 Yakutsk, Yakutia, Russia; lenasida{at}
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