Table of Contents

  1. Allemann, Lukas

    1. Yesterday’s Memories, Today’s Discourses: The Struggle of the Russian Sámi to Construct a Meaningful Past
      Lukas Allemann
  2. Bland, Richard L.

    1. “The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974
      Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. Bland
  3. Konopatsky, Aleksandr K.

    1. “The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974
      Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. Bland
  4. Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.

    1. “The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974
      Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. Bland
  5. Laptander, Roza

    1. Collective and Individual Memories: Narrations about the Transformations in the Nenets Society
      Roza Laptander
  6. Lowe, Marie E.

    1. Aleut Ethnography in Transition: In Memory of Dorothy Jones
      Katherine L. Reedy and Marie E. Lowe
  7. Lukin, Karina

    1. Leaving Novaîa Zemlîa: Narrative Strategies of the Resettlement of the Nenets
      Karina Lukin
  8. Mazzullo, Nuccio

    1. And People Asked: “We Want to Have Lakes to Fish!” and Lakes Were Given. Skolt Sámi Relocation after WWII in Finland
      Nuccio Mazzullo
  9. O'brien, Matthew J.

    1. Spatial Expression of Kinship among the Dukha Reindeer Herders of Northern Mongolia
      Matthew J. O’Brien and Todd A. Surovell
  10. Qu, Feng

    1. Ivory versus Antler: A Reassessment of Binary Structuralism in the Study of Prehistoric Eskimo Cultures
      Feng Qu
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