Table of Contents
January 01, 2017; Volume 54,Issue 1
Allemann, Lukas
- You have accessRestricted accessYesterday’s Memories, Today’s Discourses: The Struggle of the Russian Sámi to Construct a Meaningful PastLukas AllemannArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 1-21; DOI: AllemannLukas Allemann, Anthropology Research Team, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, P.O. Box 122, 96101, Rovaniemi, Finland;
Bland, Richard L.
- You have accessRestricted access“The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. BlandArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 72-89; DOI: K. KonopatskyAleksandr K. Konopatsky, General Military Academy, Ivanov St. 49, Novosibirsk 630117, Russia;Yaroslav V. Kuzmin
Konopatsky, Aleksandr K.
- You have accessRestricted access“The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. BlandArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 72-89; DOI: K. KonopatskyAleksandr K. Konopatsky, General Military Academy, Ivanov St. 49, Novosibirsk 630117, Russia;Yaroslav V. Kuzmin
Kuzmin, Yaroslav V.
- You have accessRestricted access“The Russians Are Coming”: U.S.–Soviet Collaboration in the Study of the Prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War—Joint Excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974Aleksandr K. Konopatsky, Yaroslav V. Kuzmin and Richard L. BlandArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 72-89; DOI: K. KonopatskyAleksandr K. Konopatsky, General Military Academy, Ivanov St. 49, Novosibirsk 630117, Russia;Yaroslav V. Kuzmin
Laptander, Roza
- You have accessRestricted accessCollective and Individual Memories: Narrations about the Transformations in the Nenets SocietyRoza LaptanderArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 22-31; DOI: LaptanderArctic Centre, University of Groningen, Aweg 30, PO Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The Netherlands;
Lowe, Marie E.
- You have accessRestricted accessAleut Ethnography in Transition: In Memory of Dorothy JonesKatherine L. Reedy and Marie E. LoweArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 61-71; DOI: L. ReedyKatherine L. Reedy, Department of Anthropology, Idaho State University, 921 S. 8th Ave, Stop 8005, Pocatello, ID 83209;
Lukin, Karina
- You have accessRestricted accessLeaving Novaîa Zemlîa: Narrative Strategies of the Resettlement of the NenetsKarina LukinArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 32-45; DOI: LukinFolklore Studies, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 38C (P.O. Box 59), 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland;
Mazzullo, Nuccio
- You have accessRestricted accessAnd People Asked: “We Want to Have Lakes to Fish!” and Lakes Were Given. Skolt Sámi Relocation after WWII in FinlandNuccio MazzulloArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 46-60; DOI: MazzulloNuccio Mazzullo, Arctic Centre, PO Box 122, University of Lapland, 96101 Rovaniemi, Finland;
O'brien, Matthew J.
- You have accessRestricted accessSpatial Expression of Kinship among the Dukha Reindeer Herders of Northern MongoliaMatthew J. O’Brien and Todd A. SurovellArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 110-119; DOI: J. O’BrienMatthew J. O’Brien, Department of Anthropology, California State University, Chico, 400 West 1st St, Chico, CA 95929;
Qu, Feng
- You have accessRestricted accessIvory versus Antler: A Reassessment of Binary Structuralism in the Study of Prehistoric Eskimo CulturesFeng QuArctic Anthropology, January 2017, 54 (1) 90-109; DOI: QuFeng Qu, Liaocheng University, 1 Hunan Rd, Dongchangfu District, Liaocheng City, China 252000;