Research ArticleArticles
The Role of Birds in the Subsistence Practices of the Dorset Peoples of Nunavik
Hervé Monchot, Andrea Thompson, Benjamin Patenaude and Claire Houmard
Arctic Anthropology, September 2016, 53 (1) 69-83; DOI:
Hervé Monchot
Hervé Monchot, Avataq Cultural Institute, 4150 Sainte Catherine ouest, Westmount, QC, H3Z 2Y5, Canada & Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Département de préhistoire UMR 7194 du CNRS, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, 1 rue René Panhard, 75013 Paris, France;
Andrea Thompson
Benjamin Patenaude

- Appelt Martin,
- Gulløv Hans Christian
- Avataq Cultural Institute
- Baffin Divisional Board of Education
- Betts Matthew W.
- Binford Lewis R.
- Binford Lewis R.
- Blasco Ruth,
- Peris Josep Fernández
- Bovy Kristine M.
- Cain Chester R.
- Cohen Alan,
- Serjeantson Dale
- Cruz Isabel
- Davis Paul G.
- Desrosiers Pierre M.,
- Gendron Daniel,
- Todisco Dominique,
- Monchot Hervé,
- Rahmani Nouhra,
- Bhiry Najat,
- Houmard Claire
- Ekblaw W. Elmer
- Ericson Per G. P.
- Fisher John W.
- Friesen T. Max
- Gaston Anthony J.,
- Cairns D.K.,
- Elliot Richard D.,
- Noble D.G.
- Gilbert B. Miles,
- Martin Larry D.,
- Savage Howard G.
- Gilchrist H. Grant,
- Robertson Gregory J.
- Godfrey W. Earl
- Gotfredsen Anne Birgitte
- Gotfredsen Anne Birgitte,
- Møbjerg Tinna
- Hatt Gudmund,
- Taylor Kristen
- Higgins Jude
- Houmard Claire
- Julien Michèle
- Kristensen Todd J.
- Laroulandie Véronique
- Laroulandie Véronique
- Laroulandie Véronique
- Lefèvre Christine,
- Corbett Debra G.,
- West Dixie,
- Siegel-Causey Douglas
- Livingston Stephanie D.
- Lyman R. Lee
- Malaurie Jean
- Mannermaa Kristina
- Martínez Gustavo
- Maxwell Moreau S.
- Milne S. Brooke,
- Donnelly Sarah M.
- Monchot Hervé,
- Gendron Daniel
- Monchot Hervé,
- Gendron Daniel
- Monchot Hervé,
- Houmard Claire,
- Dionne Marie-Michelle,
- Desrosiers Pierre M.,
- Gendron Daniel
- Moss Madonna L.,
- Bowers Peter M.
- Nagy Muriel
- Oakes Jill
- Peterson Roger Tory
- Plumet Patrick
- Prummel Wietske,
- Zeiler Jørn T
- Rick Ann M.
- Roy Camille
- Royer Danielle
- Saladin d’Anglure Bernard
- Tagliacozzo Antonio,
- Gala Monica
- Taylor William E.
- Taylor J. Garth,
- Turner William
- Thompson Andrea
In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 53, Issue 1
28 Sep 2016
The Role of Birds in the Subsistence Practices of the Dorset Peoples of Nunavik
Hervé Monchot, Andrea Thompson, Benjamin Patenaude, Claire Houmard
Arctic Anthropology Sep 2016, 53 (1) 69-83; DOI: 10.3368/aa.53.1.69
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