Table of Contents

  1. Ferguson, Jenanne

    1. Language Has a Spirit: Sakha (Yakut) Language Ideologies and Aesthetics of Sustenance
      Jenanne Ferguson
  2. Hansen, Anne Merrild

    1. Identifying Challenges and Opportunities for Residents in Upernavik as Oil Companies are Making a First Entrance into Baffin Bay
      Anne Merrild Hansen and Pelle Tejsner
  3. Houmard, Claire

    1. The Role of Birds in the Subsistence Practices of the Dorset Peoples of Nunavik
      Hervé Monchot, Andrea Thompson, Benjamin Patenaude and Claire Houmard
  4. Knudsen, Pauline

    1. The Morris Bay Kayak: Analysis and Implications for Inughuit Subsistence in the Pikialarsorsuaq Region
      Matthew Walls, Pauline Knudsen and Frederik Larsen
  5. Larsen, Frederik

    1. The Morris Bay Kayak: Analysis and Implications for Inughuit Subsistence in the Pikialarsorsuaq Region
      Matthew Walls, Pauline Knudsen and Frederik Larsen
  6. Monchot, Hervé

    1. The Role of Birds in the Subsistence Practices of the Dorset Peoples of Nunavik
      Hervé Monchot, Andrea Thompson, Benjamin Patenaude and Claire Houmard
  7. Norstedt, Gudrun

    1. Fish or Reindeer? The Relation between Subsistence Patterns and Settlement Patterns among the Forest Sami
      Gudrun Norstedt and Lars Östlund
  8. Orchard, Trevor J.

    1. Halibut Use on the Northwest Coast of North America: Reconciling Ethnographic, Ethnohistoric, and Archaeological Data
      Trevor J. Orchard and Rebecca J. Wigen
  9. Ostlund, Lars

    1. Fish or Reindeer? The Relation between Subsistence Patterns and Settlement Patterns among the Forest Sami
      Gudrun Norstedt and Lars Östlund
  10. Patenaude, Benjamin

    1. The Role of Birds in the Subsistence Practices of the Dorset Peoples of Nunavik
      Hervé Monchot, Andrea Thompson, Benjamin Patenaude and Claire Houmard
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