Cod Fishing in Russian America: The Archaeology of a 19th-Century Alutiiq Work Camp on Alaska’s Kodiak Island

Amy V. Margaris, Mark A. Rusk, Patrick G. Saltonstall and Molly Odell

Article Information

Print ISSN 
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  • Published online July 27, 2015.

Author Information

  1. Amy V. Margaris,
  2. Mark A. Rusk,
  3. Patrick G. Saltonstall and
  4. Molly Odell
  1. Amy V. Margaris, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College. 305 King Building, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074; amy.margaris{at}
  2. Mark A. Rusk, 3 Casa Vieja, Orinda, CA 94563; marusk{at}
  3. Patrick Saltonstall, Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository. Kodiak, AK 99615; patrick{at}
  4. Molly Odell, Department of Anthropology, University of Washington. Box 353100, Seattle, WA 98195, and SWCA Environmental Consultants, 1205 E International Airport Road, Suite 103, Anchorage, AK 99518; meodell{at}