Table of Contents
July 27, 2015; Volume 52,Issue 1
Bjorst, Lill Rastad
- You have accessRestricted accessSteaming Up or Staying Cool? Tourism Development and Greenlandic Futures in the Light of Climate ChangeLill Rastad Bjørst and Carina RenArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 91-101; DOI: Rastad BjørstLill Rastad Bjørst, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Kroghstræde 3, 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark;
Coutouly, Yan Axel Gómez
- You have accessRestricted accessAnangula—A Major Pressure-Microblade Site in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska: Reevaluating Its Lithic ComponentYan Axel Gómez CoutoulyArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 23-59; DOI: Axel Gómez CoutoulyYan Axel Gómez Coutouly, Laboratory of Prehistory and Technology, Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology, Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, 21 allée de l'Université, 92023 Nanterre, France;
Kubica, Grażyna
- You have accessRestricted accessMaria Czaplicka and Her Siberian Expedition, 1914–1915: A Centenary TributeGrażyna KubicaArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 1-22; DOI:żyna KubicaGrażyna Kubica, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, ul. Grodzka 52, 31-044 Kraków, Poland;
Margaris, Amy V.
- You have accessRestricted accessCod Fishing in Russian America: The Archaeology of a 19th-Century Alutiiq Work Camp on Alaska’s Kodiak IslandAmy V. Margaris, Mark A. Rusk, Patrick G. Saltonstall and Molly OdellArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 102-126; DOI: V. MargarisAmy V. Margaris, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College. 305 King Building, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074;Mark A. RuskPatrick G. Saltonstall
Morrow, Phyllis
- You have accessRestricted accessCollapsing the Distance: Indigenous-Youth Engagement in a Circumpolar Study of Youth ResilienceOlga Ulturgasheva, Stacy Rasmus and Phyllis MorrowArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 60-70; DOI: UlturgashevaOlga Ulturgasheva, Department of Social Anthropology, 2nd Floor Arthur Lewis Building Room 2.047, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK;Stacy Rasmus
Odell, Molly
- You have accessRestricted accessCod Fishing in Russian America: The Archaeology of a 19th-Century Alutiiq Work Camp on Alaska’s Kodiak IslandAmy V. Margaris, Mark A. Rusk, Patrick G. Saltonstall and Molly OdellArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 102-126; DOI: V. MargarisAmy V. Margaris, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College. 305 King Building, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074;Mark A. RuskPatrick G. Saltonstall
Rasmus, Stacy
- You have accessRestricted accessCollapsing the Distance: Indigenous-Youth Engagement in a Circumpolar Study of Youth ResilienceOlga Ulturgasheva, Stacy Rasmus and Phyllis MorrowArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 60-70; DOI: UlturgashevaOlga Ulturgasheva, Department of Social Anthropology, 2nd Floor Arthur Lewis Building Room 2.047, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK;Stacy Rasmus
Ren, Carina
- You have accessRestricted accessSteaming Up or Staying Cool? Tourism Development and Greenlandic Futures in the Light of Climate ChangeLill Rastad Bjørst and Carina RenArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 91-101; DOI: Rastad BjørstLill Rastad Bjørst, Department of Culture and Global Studies, Aalborg University, Kroghstræde 3, 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark;
Rusk, Mark A.
- You have accessRestricted accessCod Fishing in Russian America: The Archaeology of a 19th-Century Alutiiq Work Camp on Alaska’s Kodiak IslandAmy V. Margaris, Mark A. Rusk, Patrick G. Saltonstall and Molly OdellArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 102-126; DOI: V. MargarisAmy V. Margaris, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College. 305 King Building, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074;Mark A. RuskPatrick G. Saltonstall
Saltonstall, Patrick G.
- You have accessRestricted accessCod Fishing in Russian America: The Archaeology of a 19th-Century Alutiiq Work Camp on Alaska’s Kodiak IslandAmy V. Margaris, Mark A. Rusk, Patrick G. Saltonstall and Molly OdellArctic Anthropology, July 2015, 52 (1) 102-126; DOI: V. MargarisAmy V. Margaris, Department of Anthropology, Oberlin College. 305 King Building, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH 44074;Mark A. RuskPatrick G. Saltonstall