Research ArticleArticles
Stone Walls as a Means of Understanding the Different Types of Reindeer Herding: A Study from the Lule Sámi Area on the Norwegian Side of the Border
Oddmund Andersen
Arctic Anthropology, February 2015, 51 (2) 23-34; DOI:
Oddmund Andersen
Oddmund Andersen, Árran lulesamisk senter, 8270 Drag, Norway;

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In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 51, Issue 2
18 Feb 2015
Stone Walls as a Means of Understanding the Different Types of Reindeer Herding: A Study from the Lule Sámi Area on the Norwegian Side of the Border
Oddmund Andersen
Arctic Anthropology Feb 2015, 51 (2) 23-34; DOI: 10.3368/aa.51.2.23
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