Index by author

  1. Bockstoce, John R.

    1. Conversations with Tiger: Forty Years of Dialogue . . . and One Uncompleted Project
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and John R. Bockstoce
  2. Correll, Thomas C.

    1. The Manitoba Years and the Project to Study Two Eskimo (Inuit) Societies: Befriended by an Exemplary Scholar
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Thomas C. Correll
  3. Darwent, Christyann (Chris) M.

    1. Editor’s Note
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Christyann (Chris) M. Darwent
  4. Fienup-riordan, Ann

    1. Water: The Gift of a Good Question
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Ann Fienup-Riordan
  5. Fitzhugh, William W.

    1. Call Me “Tiger”: Ernest S. Burch, Jr., the Smithsonian, and Remembrance
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and William W. Fitzhugh
  6. Friesen, T. Max

    1. The Importance of Reading Ernest: Applying Burch’s Study of Interregional Interaction to Inuvialuit Ethnohistory
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and T. Max Friesen
  7. Ganley, Matt L.

    1. The Place Not Yet Subjugated: Prince William Sound, 1770–1800
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt, Matt L. Ganley and Polly C. Wheeler
  8. Gronnow, Bjarne

    1. The Backbone of the Saqqaq Culture: A Study of the Nonmaterial Dimensions of the Early Arctic Small Tool Tradition
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Bjarne Grønnow
  9. Hill, Erica

    1. The Nonempirical Past: Enculturated Landscapes and Other-than-Human Persons in Southwest Alaska
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Erica Hill
  10. Jensen, Anne M.

    1. The Material Culture of Iñupiat Whaling: An Ethnographic and Ethnohistorical Perspective
      Igor Krupnik, Kenneth L. Pratt and Anne M. Jensen
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