Research ArticleArticles
What is in a Name? The Predicament of Ethnonyms in the Sugpiaq-Alutiiq Region of Alaska
Medeia Csoba DeHass
Arctic Anthropology, February 2012, 49 (1) 3-17; DOI:
Medeia Csoba DeHass
Medeia Csoba DeHass, Dartmouth College, 37 North Main Street, The Sherman House, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755

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In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 49, Issue 1
6 Feb 2012
What is in a Name? The Predicament of Ethnonyms in the Sugpiaq-Alutiiq Region of Alaska
Medeia Csoba DeHass
Arctic Anthropology Feb 2012, 49 (1) 3-17; DOI: 10.1353/arc.2012.0010
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