Research ArticleBeyond Geographical and Cultural Marginality
Implementing “External Power” at 65° N: On the Significance of a Twelfth Century Political Doctrine for the Making of Core-Periphery Relations
Thomas Wallerström
Arctic Anthropology, February 2009, 46 (1-2) 40-49; DOI:
Thomas Wallerström
Thomas Wallerström, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and Religious Studies Vitenskapsmuseet, Erling Skakkes gate 47 b NO-7012 Trondheim, Norway
References Cited
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- Åqvist Gösta
- Bagge Sverre,
- Nordeide W. Sæbjørg
- Benson Robert L.
- Blomkvist Nils
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- Boulhosa Patricia Pires
- Colorni Vittore
- Diplomatarium Suecanum
- Engelstad Ericka
- Frank André Gunder,
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- Foucault Michel
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- Prawitz Gunnar,
- Ulf Jørgensen Jens
- Hastrup Kirsten
- Jerneck Magnus
- Johnson Matthew
- Karlsson Gunnar
- Keller Christian
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- Makkreel Rudolf A.
- Mastnak Tomaž
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- Rosén Jerker,
- Hamre Lars
- Thorsteinsson Bjørn
- Ullmann Walter
- Vésteinsson Orri
- Wallerstein Immanuel
- Wallerström Thomas
- Wolf Eric W.
In this issue
Arctic Anthropology
Vol. 46, Issue 1-2
6 Feb 2009
Implementing “External Power” at 65° N: On the Significance of a Twelfth Century Political Doctrine for the Making of Core-Periphery Relations
Thomas Wallerström
Arctic Anthropology Feb 2009, 46 (1-2) 40-49; DOI: 10.1353/arc.0.0030
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