Index by author

  1. Ackerman, Robert E.

    1. Security Cove and the Northern Archaic Tradition Revisited
      Robert E. Ackerman
  2. Anderson, Douglas D.

    1. Northern Archaic Tradition Forty Years Later: Comments
      Douglas D. Anderson
  3. Bigelow, Nancy H.

    1. The Crucible of Early to Mid-Holocene Climate in Northern Alaska: Does Northern Archaic Represent the People of the Spreading Forest?
      Owen K. Mason and Nancy H. Bigelow
  4. Esdale, Julie A.

    1. Introduction
      Julie A. Esdale and Jeffrey T. Rasic
    2. A Current Synthesis of the Northern Archaic
      Julie A. Esdale
  5. Mason, Owen K.

    1. The Crucible of Early to Mid-Holocene Climate in Northern Alaska: Does Northern Archaic Represent the People of the Spreading Forest?
      Owen K. Mason and Nancy H. Bigelow
  6. Patterson, Jody J.

    1. Late Holocene Land Use in the Nutzotin Mountains: Lithic Scatters, Viewsheds, and Resource Distribution
      Jody J. Patterson
  7. Potter, Ben A.

    1. A First Approximation of Holocene Inter-Assemblage Variability in Central Alaska
      Ben A. Potter
  8. Rasic, Jeffrey T.

    1. Northern Archaic Settlement and Subsistence Patterns at Agiak Lake, Brooks Range, Alaska
      Aaron K. Wilson and Jeffrey T. Rasic
    2. Introduction
      Julie A. Esdale and Jeffrey T. Rasic
    3. Weapon Systems and Assemblage Variability during the Northern Archaic Period in Northern Alaska
      Jeffrey T. Rasic and Natalia S. Slobodina
  9. Slobodina, Natalia S.

    1. Weapon Systems and Assemblage Variability during the Northern Archaic Period in Northern Alaska
      Jeffrey T. Rasic and Natalia S. Slobodina
  10. Wilson, Aaron K.

    1. Northern Archaic Settlement and Subsistence Patterns at Agiak Lake, Brooks Range, Alaska
      Aaron K. Wilson and Jeffrey T. Rasic