Table of Contents

  1. Bergman, Ingela

  2. Davis, Richard S.

    1. The Amaknak Bridge Site: Cultural Change and the Neoglacial in the Eastern Aleutians
      Richard A. Knecht and Richard S. Davis
  3. Gutsol, Natalia

    1. Babinski and Ekostrovski: Saami Pogosty on the Western Kola Peninsula, Russia from 1880 to 1940
      Robert P. Wheelersburg and Natalia Gutsol
  4. Howse, Lesley

    1. Late Dorset Caribou Hunters: Zooarchaeology of the Bell Site, Victoria Island
      Lesley Howse
  5. Knecht, Richard A.

    1. The Amaknak Bridge Site: Cultural Change and the Neoglacial in the Eastern Aleutians
      Richard A. Knecht and Richard S. Davis
  6. Liedgren, Lars

  7. Moss, Madonna L.

    1. Outer Coast Maritime Adaptations in Southern Southeast Alaska: Tlingit or Haida?
      Madonna L. Moss
  8. Ostlund, Lars

  9. Wenzel, George

    1. Clyde Inuit Settlement and Community: From before Boas to Centralization
      George Wenzel
  10. Wheelersburg, Robert P.

    1. Babinski and Ekostrovski: Saami Pogosty on the Western Kola Peninsula, Russia from 1880 to 1940
      Robert P. Wheelersburg and Natalia Gutsol
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