Preserving Chugach Culture: Makarka Chemavisky, Matrona Tiedemann, Frederica de Laguna, and ANCSA 14(H)(1)

Rita A. Miraglia


Frederica de Laguna’s work served as the basis for work on ANCSA 14(h)(1) archeological, historic, and cemetery sites in the Ahtna, Chugach, Cook Inlet, Doyon, and Sealaska regions. This paper focuses primarily on de Laguna’s Chugach work, with an emphasis on her working relationships with Chugach Elder Makarka Chemavisky and his daughter Matrona Tiedeman. These relationships and the lives of Chemavisky and Tiedeman are explored through de Laguna’s writing (both fiction and non-fiction), as well as through oral history interviews recorded as part of the 14(h)(1) program with Makarka Chemavisky’s nephew, Theodore F. Chemavisky and Makarka’s adopted son, John Klashinoff.

  • Rita A. Miraglia, Bureau of Indian Affairs ANCSA Office, 3601 “C” Street, Suite 1100 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5947

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