Index by author

  1. Baird, Melissa F.

    1. Frederica de Laguna and the Study of Pre-Contact Pictographs from Coastal Sites in Cook Inlet and Prince William Sound, Alaska
      Melissa F. Baird
  2. Bersch, Gretchen T.

    1. Frederica de Laguna and the Modern Inhabitants of Yukon Island
      Gretchen T. Bersch
  3. Bowers, Peter M.

    1. A Giant in the Rainforest: Frederica de Laguna’s Contributions to the Anthropology of Southeast Alaska
      Peter M. Bowers and Madonna L. Moss
  4. Clifford, Kristi

    1. Bibliography of Frederica de Laguna
      Compiled by Rachel Mason, Susan A. Kaplan and Kristi Clifford
  5. Cooper, H. Kory

    1. Copper and Social Complexity: Frederica de Laguna’s Contribution to Our Understanding of the Role of Metals in Native Alaskan Society
      H. Kory Cooper
  6. Davis, Nancy Yaw

    1. Intellectual Inspiration
      Nancy Yaw Davis
  7. Davis, Richard S.

    1. Frederica de Laguna of Bryn Mawr College
      Richard S. Davis
  8. De Laguna, Frederica

    1. Untitled Poem
      Frederica de Laguna
  9. Johnson, Lora

    1. Contribution in Honor of Frederica de Laguna
      Lora Johnson
  10. Kaplan, Susan A.

    1. Bibliography of Frederica de Laguna
      Compiled by Rachel Mason, Susan A. Kaplan and Kristi Clifford
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