Table of Contents

  1. Bever, Michael R.

    1. Rethinking the Putu Site: Results of a Spatial Analysis of a Fluted Point Site in Northern Alaska
      Michael R. Bever
  2. Crate, Susan A.

    1. Elder Knowledge and Sustainable Livelihoods in Post-Soviet Russia: Finding Dialogue across the Generations
      Susan A. Crate
  3. Crowell, Aron L.

    1. The St. Lawrence Island Famine and Epidemic, 1878–80: A Yupik Narrative in Cultural and Historical Context
      Aron L. Crowell and Estelle Oozevaseuk
  4. Henshaw, Anne

    1. Pausing along the Journey: Learning Landscapes, Environmental Change, and Toponymy Amongst the Sikusilarmiut
      Anne Henshaw
  5. Oozevaseuk, Estelle

    1. The St. Lawrence Island Famine and Epidemic, 1878–80: A Yupik Narrative in Cultural and Historical Context
      Aron L. Crowell and Estelle Oozevaseuk
  6. Partlow, Megan A.

    1. Sampling Fish Bones: A Consideration of the Importance of Screen Size and Disposal Context in the North Pacific
      Megan A. Partlow