Table of Contents

  1. Bland, Richard L.

    1. Reflections on the Fate of Alexei Chirikov’s Missing Men
      Andrei V. Grinëv and Translated by Richard L. Bland
  2. Collings, Peter

    1. Housing Policy, Aging, and Life Course Construction in a Canadian Inuit Community
      Peter Collings
  3. Finstad, Gregory

  4. Giles, Audrey R.

    1. A Foucaultian Approach to Menstrual Practices in the Dehcho Region, Northwest Territories, Canada
      Audrey R. Giles
  5. Grinev, Andrei V.

    1. Reflections on the Fate of Alexei Chirikov’s Missing Men
      Andrei V. Grinëv and Translated by Richard L. Bland
  6. Kan, Sergei

    1. Bronislaw Pilsudski’s Scholarly Legacy Rediscovered: Review Essay
      Sergei Kan
  7. Kang, Bong Won

    1. An Examination of an Intermediate Sociopolitical Evolutionary Type between Chiefdom and State
      Bong Won Kang
  8. Kielland, Knut

  9. Schneider, William

  10. Stern, Pamela

    1. Wage Labor, Housing Policy, and the Nucleation of Inuit Households
      Pamela Stern
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