Table of Contents

  1. Ackerman, Robert E.

    1. The Northern Archaic Tradition in Southwestern Alaska
      Robert E. Ackerman
  2. Black, Lydia T.

    1. Warriors of Kodiak: Military Traditions of Kodiak Islanders
      Lydia T. Black
  3. Dixon, John C.

    1. Introduction
      John C. Dixon, Douglas W. Veltre and James M. Savelle
  4. Dumond, Don E.

    1. Volcanism and History on the Northern Alaska Peninsula
      Don E. Dumond
  5. Friesen, T. Max

    1. Kitigaaryuit: A Portrait of the Mackenzie Inuit in the 1890s, Based on the Journals of Isaac O. Stringer
      T. Max Friesen
  6. Habu, Junko

    1. A Processual Investigation of a Thule Whale Bone House, Somerset Island, Arctic Canada
      James M. Savelle and Junko Habu
  7. Harritt, R. K.

    1. A Preliminary Reevaluation of the Punuk-Thule Interface at Wales, Alaska
      R. K. Harritt
  8. Holland, Kathryn M.

    1. A Brief Note on the Significance of Prehistoric Dogs from the Eastern Aleutian Islands
      Kathryn M. Holland
  9. Kaplan, Susan A.

    1. Editor’s Note
      Susan A. Kaplan
  10. Maschner, Herbert D. G.

    1. Traditions Past and Present: Allen McCartney and the Izembek Phase of the Western Alaska Peninsula
      Herbert D. G. Maschner
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