Index by author

  1. Bergman, Ingela

  2. Blankholm, H. P.

    1. Earliest Mesolithic Site in Northern Norway? A Reassessment of Sarnes B4
      H. P. Blankholm
  3. Donnelly, Sarah M.

  4. Fitzhugh, Ben

    1. Colonizing the Kodiak Archipelago: Trends in Raw Material Use and Lithic Technologies at the Tanginak Spring Site
      Ben Fitzhugh
  5. Holen, Davin L.

    1. The Atna’ and the Political Ecology of the Copper River Fishery, Alaska
      Davin L. Holen
  6. Milne, S. Brooke

  7. Ostlund, Lars

  8. Sejersen, Frank

    1. Horizons of Sustainability in Greenland: Inuit Landscapes of Memory and Vision
      Frank Sejersen
  9. Zackrisson, Olle