Index by author
February 06, 2003; Volume 40,Issue 1
Bundy, Barbara E.
- You have accessRestricted accessGlass Trade Beads from Reese Bay, Unalaska Island: Spatial and Temporal PatternsBarbara E. Bundy, Allen P. McCartney and Douglas W. VeltreArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 29-47; DOI: E. BundyAllen P. McCartney
Corbett, Debra
- You have accessRestricted accessA Burial Cave in the Western Aleutian Islands, AlaskaDixie West, Christine Lefèvre, Debra Corbett and Susan CrockfordArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 70-86; DOI: WestChristine LefèvreDebra Corbett
Crockford, Susan
- You have accessRestricted accessA Burial Cave in the Western Aleutian Islands, AlaskaDixie West, Christine Lefèvre, Debra Corbett and Susan CrockfordArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 70-86; DOI: WestChristine LefèvreDebra Corbett
Ferrara, Rachel
- You have accessRestricted accessChronology, Culture, and Climate: A Radiometric Re-evaluation of Late Prehistoric Occupations at Cape Denbigh, AlaskaMaribeth S. Murray, Aaron C. Robertson and Rachel FerraraArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 87-105; DOI: S. MurrayAaron C. Robertson
Hodgetts, Lisa M.
- You have accessRestricted accessChanging Subsistence Practices at the Dorset Paleoeskimo Site of Phillip’s Garden, NewfoundlandLisa M. Hodgetts, M. A. P. Renouf, Maribeth S. Murray, Darlene McCuaig-Balkwill and Lesley HowseArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 106-120; DOI: M. HodgettsM. A. P. RenoufMaribeth S. MurrayDarlene McCuaig-Balkwill
Howse, Lesley
- You have accessRestricted accessChanging Subsistence Practices at the Dorset Paleoeskimo Site of Phillip’s Garden, NewfoundlandLisa M. Hodgetts, M. A. P. Renouf, Maribeth S. Murray, Darlene McCuaig-Balkwill and Lesley HowseArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 106-120; DOI: M. HodgettsM. A. P. RenoufMaribeth S. MurrayDarlene McCuaig-Balkwill
Keenleyside, Anne
- You have accessRestricted accessChanging Patterns of Health and Disease Among the AleutsAnne KeenleysideArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 48-69; DOI:
Lefevre, Christine
- You have accessRestricted accessA Burial Cave in the Western Aleutian Islands, AlaskaDixie West, Christine Lefèvre, Debra Corbett and Susan CrockfordArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 70-86; DOI: WestChristine LefèvreDebra Corbett
Lemoine, Genevieve
- You have accessRestricted accessWoman of the House: Gender, Architecture, and Ideology in Dorset PrehistoryGenevieve LeMoineArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 121-138; DOI:
Mccartney, Allen P.
- You have accessRestricted accessGlass Trade Beads from Reese Bay, Unalaska Island: Spatial and Temporal PatternsBarbara E. Bundy, Allen P. McCartney and Douglas W. VeltreArctic Anthropology, February 2003, 40 (1) 29-47; DOI: E. BundyAllen P. McCartney